1.  Our skating stars are as big as football stars.

2.  The entrance hall of the hotel was as big as a railway station itself.

3.  Some of them were as big as marbles.

4.  Colonel Stok was as big as an old oak wardrobe.

5.  Well they were, they were qui, they were as big as that.

6.  I bet the house itself is as big as.

7.  And maybe here was a place where dreams could be as big as the sky above.

8.  And their leaves, which are as big as butter plates, can shade a young tree right out of existence.

9.  Apple computer founder Steve Jobs said it could be as big as the personal computer.

10.  At Toy Fair, where hyperbole is rampant, nearly every exhibitor touts his or her new offering as a breakthrough that will be as big as Beanie Babies.

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